When our mother decided that even my father would eat the GW barley and chlorella, even though he himself protested from the beginning: "I don't need it, I am healthy". No one knew that this seemingly negligible problem (herpes) would be solved once and forever.
The father was 67 in March 2021, he is still an active working owner of the company. And he also spends a lot of energy in the family house and gym. Just a fully active person. And the fact that he's not young anymore. Nor is his diet adequate to his energy expenditure. All of this is intensified many times by the stress he often experiences at work.
The body of an older, active and stressed person needs far more nutrients than a normal diet provides. And this is exactly the reason why my dad had herpes on his lip so often, every month of the year.
As soon as he started supplementing the body with nutrients from the GW barley and chlorella, which are natural, absorbable and the body recognizes and uses them perfectly, about 8 months passed and no traces of herpes appeared.
Today, it's been years since he doesn't have herpes. Sometimes it happens that his lip hurts. The mother increases his original doses of barley and chlorella by half for a few days, and herpes decides to subside. So, that it does not turn up at all.
I believe that this benefit of Green Ways can be fully enjoyed by anyone of you who experiences the same trouble called herpes. Just decide for them and include them in your menu :)