The drink is obtained by pressing barley grass. Fibre is removed from the grass because it is indigestible to humans and unnecessarily burdens the digestive tract. The resulting juice is then very gently dried at a temperature of 28 to 31 degrees Celsius for 2 minutes. 1 kg of dried barley juice is obtained from 30 kg of barley grass. 40% of the weight of dried barley juice consists of live ENZYMES. 


Enzymes are biocatalysts, so they helps other organisms to perform their activities better and faster. Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions in the body that would otherwise be too slow for us to survive.


One of the tasks of enzymes is to aid in digestion, but far more important tasks are their anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrosis, immunity, cleansing, antiviral, anti-cancer and proteolytic (protein digesting) effects. Because the stores of enzymes in the human body are limited and become depleted with age, they need to be replenished regularly. However, most of us consume heat-treated foods that do not contain enzymes, as they are completely destroyed at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. One of the best sources of enzymes is the Green Ways Young Barley juice. In 1979, the Japanese Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences discovered that barley contains more than 20 species of enzymes, and since then, they have discovered a number of other types. Here are a few enzymes that are very important to the body, which are present in Green Ways Barley:

SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE (SOD) – breaks down highly reactive superoxides, which are formed in the body during metabolic processes and are very toxic, so they can damage the DNA. Low SOD can be one of the causes of: - tumor growth
- arthrosis 
- premature aging 
- atherosclerosis 
- Ahlzheimer's disease 
- rheumatoid arthritis 
- chronic inflammatory diseases 
- lung diseases… 

TRANSHYDROGENASE – is involved in the proper functioning of the heart muscles

NITROGEN OXIDOREDUCTASE PEROXIDASE – breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water, for its easy excretion from the body OXIDASE – is needed for the processing of fatty acids 
Most commercially available enzyme preparations (even those designed for systemic enzyme therapy) are obtained from the blood, organs and tissues of animals. Many experts are now questioning these sources and recommend a pure plant enzyme therapy. When there is a deficiency of these enzymes in the body, the breakdown of fats slows down, which results in not only in a lack of energy, but also in significant weight gain. 

liveliness of YOUNG GREEN BARLEY

If you want to find out whether you have a lively product (barley), or a lifeless one (barley) at home, you can do a simple test. This test is done with the help of water. In the first test, we will use hot water and in the second test cold water. 


Young green barley is a drink that is full of living enzymes. If barley actually contains those enzymes, the following reaction will occur. Pour the hot water into a shaker and mix it with a teaspoon of powdered barley. Then watch the reaction.  

The “living¨, unheated protein (enzymes) aggregates to form a surface-precipitated coating that does not dissolve further. In this way, the enzymes in the barley are “killed¨ and the living barley becomes dead.  

This is proof of the “liveliness¨ of this product because it behaves like a protein that has not undergone a heat degrading process. If you have barley at home that has already undergone heat treatment at above 40 degrees Celsius during its processing, this mixture will behave like turbid water when mixed with hot water. Eventually, the barley powder would separate to the bottom of the cup and brown water would remain on the surface.


Live young barley is a strong concentrated form of barley juice. 

It’s not like ground dry hay. Instead, the green juice is actually a plant sap. Pour cold water into a shaker and mix it with a teaspoon of the powdered barley. Then watch the reaction. 

The barley powder mixed with the cold water will form a deep green drink, and its stability will last for hours. Nothing will settle. Instead, it becomes fully-fledged barley juice again, to which we have just returned the water. This is proof of the stability, freshness, purity and concentration of this product. In this simple way, you can check that you have a drink full of living enzymes in your hands, and thus a functional form of barley. The Green Ways Barley is this kind of barley.


“Product safety is our number one priority. That's why GW green barley is essentially gluten-free."

The Green Ways Green Barley is a juice made from the leaves of barley grass
Only the grass is harvested; not the ear or the grain. The harvested grass is then gently juiced and dried at a low temperature. As a result, the green barley is naturally gluten-free.  

Unfortunately, this is generally not the case. There are 3 ways in which a manufacturer can “spoil¨ its product with gluten:  

Due to ignoranceThis primitive path to destruction comes from adding FILLERS with a cereal base. It is a simple form of deception that was employed by ancient miller. Producers will use the expensive raw material of green barley and dilute it with a cheaper raw material. Such producers care only about money, not the health and benefits of their customers.  

Due to clumsinessThe second path to a dangerous product is related to an ill-considered sowing process. When a farmer harvests other materials together with the green grass; for example, monocotyledonous weeds that have already generated spikelets, problems can arise. 

Intentionally The third problem is the trickiest. If the grower does not time the harvest precisely and it “escapes¨ to an advanced stage of the ear generation, then it is better to stop everything, plough the harvest into the ground and just start again. Otherwise, you can forget about having a gluten-free product.  

Green Ways is the most experienced producer in the field of green foods. We know what, how and why to do it.  

RESULTS OF GLUTEN TESTS on the Green Ways Barley: Gluten mg/kg <5.0.Quality Director, Martin Žamboch,  said the following about Green Ways Barley.


sensory test is part of the quality controls for every Green Ways barley crop. The barley is examined with all the senses, with an emphasis on its taste.


Fluctuations in the taste of the barley during the year are technically due to changes in the weather, solar power, temperature and humidity during the growth of the vegetation.


There are no standards the specify exactly how barley should taste. Some feel it tastes of grass, and some of nettles. Other flavours, such as the roundness, fullness, notes, aftertaste or the “tail¨ will always change. 

Seasonal fluctuations in the sensorics are proof of the freshness, liveliness and usefulness of Green Ways Barley. 

Changes in the bio-chemical composition of the barley also correspond to changes in its taste.  

However, the basic nutrient scheme at the level of the macro-nutrients remains almost the same: 

PROTEIN – about 28% 
CARBOHYDRATES – approx. 40% 
ENERGY – approximately 1350 kJ/100g

At the level of the micro-nutrients, there must be constant changes. This is perfectly fine for natural, chemically, genetically and biotechnologically non-manipulated products.


The story of young barley is essentially the story of its creator, Dr Yoshihide Hagiwara.

Yoshihide Hagiwara was born in 1925 and spent his youth in the radioactively infested city of Hiroshima. In 1945, he graduated from the Naval Academy, then in 1949 he defended his diploma in Pharmacology, and in 1960 he obtained the title of Doctor of Medicine. 

After finishing university, he began developing popular products that are still available on the market. 

He became the owner of the pharmaceutical company JAMASHIRO, Ltd., one of the largest drug manufacturers in Japan. With more than 700 employees, this company has produced more than 200 types of healthcare products. 

He said of this period: “As the owner of the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan, I worked long hours and slept only 4 to 5 hours. I ate burgers and curry rice, and I did experiments using organic mercury. I did not know about its toxicity until its use was banned in 1963. 

“But the consequences had already appeared. My physical and mental strength declined, my teeth looked grey and my hair turned white. By the age of 38, I was not able to supervise the functioning of the company.

“Ignoring the principles of nutrition and mercury poisoning is what brought me to this state.¨

During the fight for his health, Dr Hagiwara parted ways with his old habits. He studied Chinese weeds and replaced the contents of snack bars with vegetables, soy, millet and fish. 

He soon concluded that the leaves of cereal grasses were the products that had benefited him the most. 

After his recovery, he discovered a new meaning in life by leading people towards medicinal foods – green foods obtained from God’s pharmacy. He focused his research on green barley leaves and obtaining green juice from them, which has since become the most popular green juice in the world.


Dr Mary Ruth Swope obtained a degree in Medicine from Columbia University in New York. She then graduated from another university in South Carolina, and her third degree came from studying Nutrition at the University of North Carolina. Due to her extensive education, she was an uncompromising supporter of the classical school of medicine and mocked all “ointment makers¨. However, she later opted for green drinks after the suffering of a family member.

She treated him with “her own science¨, but when everything failed, she She treated him with “her science¨, but when everything failed, she turned to what was left... natural medicine.

Dr Swope previously hated the fact that she had never completely healed her patients, only kept them at (say) bearable levels. 

The possibility of complete recovery with a green diet was a shock to her.“Only¨ her conscience led her to explore the green path. 

She pointed out that between 1960 and 1986, the number of cancer deaths in the United States increased by 223%.Dr Swope linked this fact to drinking soda and eating meat. 

Her words were: “If Americans want to get rid of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, etc., they must find another form of treatment; namely, treatment with nutrition and the food that nature supplies to us. Dried green barley plants are an example. Let’s change the living conditions of seemingly incurable diseases and THAT’S what will destroy them!¨

Dr Swope recognised the limits of classical medicine, which doctors in modern pharmacies created and on expert focused on illusions cannot do. 

But even doctors who awaken from their illusions do not easily leave behind the pedestal of the “white-coated authority¨. After all, for a lay patient, a doctor in a white coat surrounded by a sterile environment and with a stethoscope around his neck is a symbol of science, triumphing over the laws of nature. People hang on their physician’s every word and like to take medicines that allow them to continue operating against good health principles.

The doctor should refuse to prescribe a medicine until the last possible moment, as it only mitigates the body’s natural call for help! 

After all, people are not sick because they do not consume medicines, but they need medicines because they do not consume the things they should.  

It was on this path, which was both humanly demanding and professionally correct, that not only the doctor but also the great woman Mary Ruth Swope set out to follow. 


Dr. Hagiwara did not follow the green path alone. Other pioneers of young barley were Ann Wigmore and David Sandoval.

Another pioneer of the green food philosophy was Dr Ann Wigmore. She watched her grandmother as she treated wounded soldiers with grain grass juice during the First World War.

Years later, Ann got an inflammation of the colon and risked everything on her grandmother’s treatment. She chewed grass leaves and they not only cured her colitis, but also caused her to regain her original brown hair colour. In 1968, she established a clinic in Boston to serve herbal juices and raw foods to patients. She also treated Victor Kulvinskas, whose books are now classics in the field of nutrition. 

Ann died in a fire when she was 80 years old. Until then, she was healthy and proud of the patients she had healed. Many of them said: “Doctors first operated on us, then irradiated us and finally treated us with chemotherapy. When they lost, they sent us to Ann, saying: There is nothing that can be done. Decide for yourself whether you will die at the hands of a charlatan or in our professional care. What was their disappointment when we rejoined the society as healed people?

Dr Hagiwara and Ann Wigmore showed the way for young followers. One of these is David Sandoval, who has worked directly with Dr Hagiwara for many years and is a graduate of Ann Wigmore’s seminars.

He took over Ann’s philosophy and has been developing it to this day. David Sandoval says: “If you do not tolerate additives in your food, why should you tolerate them in food supplements?¨


In 1928, the farmer and chemist Dr Schnabel from Kansas said: “Hunger does not have to exist. A way has been found to expel it from the surface of the earth! Grass is the cheapest commercial source of vitamins and minerals in the world… Now every nation can grow as much food as it needs!"

Dr Schnabel noticed that hens fed with cereal grass laid more eggs and lived longer than normally fed hens. With a 10% addition of green fodder, the winter egg production increased by 38-94%. The eggs also had a harder shell and healthier chickens developed from them.

Therefore, Dr Schnabel tried making a dried green corn extract and served it to his family.

The Buffalo Courier Express reported that none of his children became seriously ill and that they did not have a single bad tooth. His dream was to see grass included in the daily diet of Americans, and he saw America as a land of teachers who would train the developing world in the practice of growing and using grasses.

Three years of testing have revealed that the grass contains all the known vitamins, except for vitamin D, which grazing animals obtain from sunlight.

Dr Schnabel worked with a doctor who successfully administered dried green leaves to pregnant women at risk of complications. Schnabel partnered with corporations such as American Dairy, Inc. and Quaker Oats to develop his idea, who invested millions of dollars into researching grass as a complex food. 

Thanks to him, a trend for adding grass to common foods, such as bread, started (Zinsmaster Baking Co. produced emerald green loaves with commercial success). 

In 1939, the American Medical Society approved grass as a food high in natural vitamins.

However, after World War II, Dr Schnabel no longer found funding, media support or interest from pharmaceutical companies in realising his ideas. A new manufacturing industry and progressive trade entered the post-war “health industry¨, and companies began to spew out hundreds of miraculous isolated preparations.
With the trend for simple media arguments, holistic medicine could only resist through its functionality.

Against this timing, Dr Schnabel had no chance  the time has not yet come for his words to become the reality. However, he did not give up on the truth, and in return, Rockhurst College awarded him with an honorary doctorate for his services to humanity.